With the mass of recorded history, mythology, and artifactual
evidence, the existence of Amazon Queens and warrior women can hardly be
contested, yet it is consistently denied, ignored, and erased by contemporary
academic scholars. Amazon warrior women exemplify female resistance
movements everywhere. They evoke the wild women who, like Miranda
Shaw's eternally transgressive Indian yoginis, "always speak truthfully
and are proud of their strength; women whose minds are powerful and energetic;
women who delight in shrewish behavior and speak boastfully; women who
are fearless, revel in their own ferocity, and like to eat meat and frequesnt
cemeteries; and women who derive pleasure from the fact that they are untamable."
The warrior woman stands her ground in the physical world, like an
archer or martial artist. The priestess fights her battle on the
invisible plane, using the tools of her trade to support the powerful working
of her focused mind. Together, in the tradition of Amazons from every
time and place, they fight back in an ongoing refusal to allow the world
to be destroyed.
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